I'm not a big fan of the New Year's Resolution. It seems a bit hollow to me - most people don't keep them longer than a month or so, and then are back to whatever bad habit they were trying to break in the first place. I feel like if you're going to want to improve your life, why wait until the first of the year? Why not make an effort to change every day? Or every week? Or even month?
Yet I can understand the urge. It feels like a milestone, like a new beginning. Out with the old, in with the new! And the beginning of a year really is a great opportunity to look back on the previous one, and see where you've come from, and think about where you want to go.
Last year I didn't make any resolutions, but I did have a couple of goals in mind for 2008. My goals were to have more free time, and less stuff. I think I did a pretty good job on the less stuff front - I didn't accumulate too much over the year, and I did a good job of getting rid of a lot. More free time worked for a while, but it's very hard for me to say NO to social engagements. I love my friends, and love planning things. So I could definitely do better in that department.
This year I'd like to be healthier. I think that encompasses a lot without being as strict as setting an actual resolution. I know I need to be working on my two previous goals - and I think both of those things would make me a (mentally) healthier and happier person. I need to exercise more, and I need to eat better. I want to create less waste, and take better care of the earth. Most importantly, I want to take better care of myself, in a variety of ways.
But this is a lifelong process, not one that should only last a few months, or even just a year. I feel like we should resolve to not make resolutions anymore, but gradual lifestyle changes. Doesn't sound as snappy, however. I probably need to put some marketing spin on it to actually catch on.
Little, Big
3 months ago
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